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Core Business Services Overview


Asset Management

TRUSFINCO has the capacity to keep in custody and manage assets like : Bonds, Equity,Commodities, Precious Metals, Real State.



All our Clients have a platform for checking its balance, securities, metals and assets on deposit.


Trading Execution

TRUSFINCO uses Refinitive trading desk and tools, clearing and settlement is done in CREST / Euroclear.


Risk Management

All transactions are screened using active monitoring to guarantee that it follows actual banking standards.



TRUSFINCO invest in A, AA and AA rated money market and fixed income securities and follows strictly each Investor's guides according to their risk profile.


Personal Attention

TRUSFINCO team gets involve with the client to complete each and every transaction until its closing/settlement.

Client are free to request any Trust or private banking services

TRUSFINCO has a broad menu of banking services that we can execute directly or using our network of correspondent banks.

A client can request any transaction which will be screened by TRUSFINCO's compliance and AML to confirm that it complies with actual banking regulations, and will advice client in the best way to achieve its goal.